About Mufti Faisal al Mahmudi
Shaykh Mufti Faisal Al-Mahmudi, originally from Pakistan, embarked on a journey to pursue higher education in Accounting and Finance. After completing his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Regina, later his passion convinced him to move to South Africa to study Islamic studies at Madrasah In’aamiyyah. Over six years, he excelled in his Alim course, specializing in Usool al-Fiqh, Fiqh, Usool al-Hadeeth, Hadeeth (authenticated ijazah in Sihah Sittah), and Tafseer.
Notably, he stands among a select few who have undertaken a comprehensive study of Sahih al Bukhari, cover to cover, under Mufti Ebrahim Desai from https://www.askimam.org. Following his Alim course, Shaykh Faisal sought further mentorship from Mufti Ebrahim Desai, focusing on Iftaa (issuing juristic verdicts).
In 2012, he successfully completed a two-year Iftaa program, obtaining a Master’s degree in Islamic Theology and a Master’s Diploma with a specialization in Islamic Finance. He served as an Administrator under Mufti Ebrahim Desai’s guidance for Darul Ifta’ al Mahmudiya for two years and headed the Computer Department for four years.
Since then, Shaykh Faisal has established and managed:
- Darul Iftaa Canada [Fatawa, Mediation, Counseling] (https://www.fatwa.ca),
- ilmHub Center [Qur’an School(s), Islamic Studies Courses, Online Hadeeth and Fiqh Courses etc.] (https://www.ilmhub.com)
- AskHalal [Halal Foods & Ingredients] (http://askhalal.ca)
Shaykh Faisal also serves as:
- CEO/Principal for all ilmHub activities.
- Secretary for Darul Qadhaa Alberta
- Advisory Board Member for CIFB (Canadian Islamic Finance Board)
- Shariah Advisory for Islamic Medical Forum (IIMF)
- Shariah Advisory for Mustakshif (Explore Halal)
- Regular teacher for Tajweed Sciences under ilmHub using QSI’s Qur’an Learning Management System.