
I would like to ask you a question on whether it is permissible to make jumma hutba half in English and half in Arabic. and if not why? and if yes why and is the jumma complete?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

It is a sunnah for the entire khutbah to be in Arabic. To render the khutbah partly in arabic and partly in another language is against sunnah and an innovation. The pious predecessors never opted for it even through there was a need for it. Shah Waliullah rahimahullah mentions in his Sharh on Mu’atta Imam Malik that even though sahaba went and settled in the lands who were primarily non Arabs, and could not understand Arabic, they (sahaba) would not render the khutba in anything other than Arabic. Hence the continuous action of Sahaba is a clear evidence to have the entire Khutbah in Arabic.1

According to the hanafi opinion, the khutba must be in arabic. If it is rendered in a different language, then it will be makruh tahrimi (prohibitively disliked), however, the Jumah salah will remain valid. The administration and the worshipers should exert their effort in arranging an Imam who is able to delived the khutbah entirely in Arabic, just like the Friday Salah.

A suitable way of implementing this is to opt a well experienced mathod of having an informative discourse before actual khutbah of the salah. This is also from the practice of Sahabah.2 Thereafter, follow this discourse with a short, meaningful khutbah in Arabic. This approach is more cautious and more rewarding than delivering the khutbah in english or another language.

For further reading on the issue, please see :

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mufti Faisal bin Abdul Hameed al-Mahmudi

Concurred by,
Mufti Luqman Hansrot

1 Fatawa Mufti Mahmood 2/353, Fatawa Raheemiyah 6/136-139

2مسند أحمد ط الرسالة (24/ 490)، مصنف عبد الرزاق الصنعاني (3/ 219)

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